Senators Udall, Bennett, and Congressman Lamborn,
I am a United States citizen residing in Colorado. This letter concerns the upcoming votes in the House and Senate related to the Obama Administration’s health care plan. I am asking you to vote against any proposed government health care plan.
Social programs are rarely, if ever, repealed. We witness this permanency with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. If the Obama health plan passes we will be forever imbued with its terms, conditions, and, most alarmingly, its costs. Arguments favoring universal health care often cite the millions of uninsured Americans and the rising costs of health care as ample motivations for instituting yet another government-run social program. However, a plan passed within the alarmingly short period of time requested is doomed to failure and is obviously only put forth for political gain, i.e. without the best interest of the American taxpayer in mind.
Furthermore, all proposed government sponsored health plans are assured to become a monstrosity of financial burden on my fellow citizens, and many generations to come. While the President and congressmen stand to score political points, the ramifications to the rest of us are dire. Most importantly, nothing proposed will address the root causes of high medical costs; in fact, the cost is guaranteed to skyrocket while the level of service declines. There will be no market forces at work to keep prices low by giving health care consumers choice and price sensitivity. Undoubtedly, the government will cut coverage and quality in order to save on the costs of the plan which will invariably be much higher than predicted (Medicare is an excellent example – my grandparents have to carry extra insurance because it is a mediocre plan). Skilled physicians will leave their practices because of diminished profitability – just recall the fleeing OB/GYNs following rapidly increasing malpractice insurance premiums.
If you want to make a difference that will address the root causes then get tough on illegal immigration (they use our medical care without paying), pass tort reform to lower malpractice insurance premiums, and remove some of the existing bureaucracy (don’t add to it). Don’t play politics with my future and the future of my children and grandchildren: get a spine, take a stand, and vote against the government health care plan.
Letters to Leaders
I received the following responses from Senators Udall and Bennett (Democrats) and Congressman Lamborn (Republican). Is it any wonder the American public feels as though their elected officials do not care about their concerns given that all three responses are form letters? In the case of the Democrats, the form letter says they will take my input into consideration; however, the letter goes on to state their position on the issue which is in stark contrast to my own. How then are they acting on my behalf, and by what measure should I believe them when they say they will consider my input? Congressman Lamborn's letter is likewise a form letter, repeating in his position much of what I said in my original letter. How can I have any confidence he will actually take my letter into consideration when all I receive is a standardized response?
The senators and congressman certainly receive a lot of letters and phone calls, but is this a justifiable excuse for ignoring their constituents? What of all the staffers our tax dollars are paying for? These letters illustrate the disenfranchisement Americans have with the political system and the existing political parties:
Dear Letters to Leaders:
Thank you for contacting me regarding single payer health care. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
As you may know, Congressman John Conyers introduced the United States National Health Care Act, H.R. 676 - a bill to establish a universal health care insurance program with single payer financing. This bill would create the United States National Health Care (USNHC) Program to provide all individuals residing in the United States and in U.S. territories with free health care that includes all medically necessary care, such as primary care and prevention, prescription drugs, emergency care, and mental health services.
Like you, I am concerned about the state of health care in this country. I believe that working to increase access to quality health care is a moral obligation and that failing to do so threatens the strength and productivity of our nation.
Our families and businesses face a serious health care crisis. Almost 800,000 Coloradans are currently uninsured. In the last decade, health insurance premiums have risen five times faster than wages. This contributes to the average Colorado family paying over $12,000 for employer-sponsored coverage.
I am a strong supporter of expanding health care coverage in our country. Earlier this year I voted to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 - a program that offers low-cost, quality health insurance to children and pregnant women who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but do not earn enough to afford private health insurance. I am working with my colleagues in the Senate to pass national comprehensive health care legislation that provides quality, affordable coverage for all Americans.
Currently, H.R. 676 has only been introduced in the House of Representatives. Please rest assured that I am open to suggestions on ways that we can deal with the health care crisis. I will be sure to keep your views in mind when considering any Senate legislation similar to H.R. 676 that could make health care in our country more accessible.
Again, thank you for contacting me.
Michael Bennet
United States Senator
Please do not respond to this email. To send another message please visit my website at and fill out the webform for a prompt response. Thank you.
June 09, 2009
Dear Letters to Leaders,
Thank you for your recent message to my U.S. Senate office. Each week, several thousand Coloradans send me their thoughts and suggestions. This unprecedented volume is a testament to the interest that Coloradans take in the issues facing our nation.
Coloradans have contacted my office about the economic recovery bill, energy, the environment, small business, education, health care, and numerous other important topics. I appreciate hearing from each one of you because understanding your views is fundamental to my job. Please know that my staff reads each one of your letters and e-mails and keeps me consistently updated on Coloradans' concerns.
I am honored to serve as your U.S. Senator. My top priority in the Senate is to provide efficient and effective service to people across our state. Please know that my Colorado staff is available to handle specific services relating to the federal government (such as help with a passport, claim for veterans' benefits, or a citizenship matter). My Colorado office can be reached at 303-650-7820. If you would like to check on a request for services from my Washington, D.C. office, please call 202-224-5941 or toll-free at 877-7-MUDALL (877-768-3255). Otherwise, be assured that we are reading your comments.
I will continue to listen closely to what you and other Coloradans have to say about matters before Congress, the concerns of our communities, and the issues facing Colorado and the nation. My job is not about merely supporting or opposing legislation; it is also about bridging the divide that has paralyzed our nation's politics. For more information about my positions and to learn how my office can assist you, please visit my website at
Warm Regards,
Mark Udall
United States Senator, Colorado
Yesterday, I received another letter from Mark Udall. Evidently, the first form letter wasn't sufficient so he decided to send yet another to further prove his dissonance from the public.
Dear Letters to Leaders,
Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding health care reform. I appreciate your taking the time to express your specific views on this important topic facing our nation.
As you know, many proposals have been put on the table for reforming our health care system to make it work for all Americans. I recognize there are many, often competing, philosophies and ideas on the best way to move forward. As your Senator, it is my job to listen closely to the various stakeholders involved in this process as well as actively seek out input from across the state to help inform my understanding of what is best for Colorado. One thing I firmly believe, however, is that the status quo is unacceptable and unsustainable.
While we move forward in this debate, there are a number of key requirements which will guide my consideration. Any health reform must: 1) allow people who like the coverage they currently have to keep it; 2) bring costs down so that all Coloradans are able to cover their families while staying within their means; 3) preserve the critical doctor-patient relationship, ensuring that decisions about treatment are made by those who know the patient the best; 4) call for insurers to provide coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions or medical history; and 5) be fiscally responsible. By ensuring that these pieces are part of reform, we can provide the stability in health care that is currently lacking for hard working Coloradans - stable costs, stable coverage, and stable quality. As Congress continues looking for the best ways to meet our nation's health care challenges, please know that I will always keep the best interests of Coloradans in mind. Along the way, I will certainly remember your particular thoughts and concerns.
I will continue to listen closely to what you and other Coloradans have to say about matters before Congress, the concerns of our communities, and the issues facing Colorado and the nation. My job is not about merely supporting or opposing legislation; it is also about bridging the divide that has paralyzed our nation's politics. For more information about my positions and to learn how my office can assist you, please visit my website at
Warm Regards,
Mark Udall
United States Senator, Colorado
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