Thursday, April 23, 2009

Letter to the President

The following letter was submitted to the White House contact page on March 12, 2009. I can only hope it will be read by one of Obama's several hundred staffers. This is surely the first of many of my letters to the President given my sharp opposition to his policies. I eagerly await a response and will post it once [if] received.

As an interesting side note: when you submit a correspondence on the web site you are given five category choices - "Congratulations;" "I have a policy question;" "I have a non-policy question;" "I have a comment, no response necessary;" or "other." I wondered where the, "I have a major criticism respond if it's not going to be the same drivel," category was.

Mr. President,

I am not a politician; therefore, based upon your comment following Daschle’s withdrawal from consideration for Secretary of Heath and Heath Systems, I am not a “powerful” person. I guess that makes me an “ordinary” person in your class system, but I hope you will grant five minutes of your time to read this peasant’s letter.

Liberation Theology has its roots in Marxism, Jeremiah Wright is a Liberation Theologian, and you were a twenty year member of his church. While this is insufficient to convict you as a Marxist, your actions and philosophies are sufficient. Your election was not a mandate to “fundamentally change” this country into a communist state – you were elected merely because you are not George W. Bush. The Americans that cast their ballots in your favor were blinded by the “McCain is 4 more years of Bush” rhetoric; rest assured, we do not want a bigger, more intrusive government.

At face value, your policies and objectives portray you as economically ignorant. Your concern for “restoring science to science” seems almost genuine. Almost. However, we are not fooled. You are using the sour economy to leverage your economically disastrous, Marxist policies into place. You do not support objective science, but prefer a brand of science rife with political agenda. At your inauguration you said, “It is not the size of government that matters, but whether government works.” Certainly we all want a government that works, but where or when has any large government proven its worth? There are no prosperous communist countries and every one is plagued with social injustice. Can you possibly believe communism will work just because you are the President? Even entirely socialist countries are adorned with inequitable social division, or are you blind to history and current events?

While you repeatedly chastise the previous administration for its loosing formula of expanding government, inflating the deficit, and waging war in foreign lands you are taking the very same formula to new heights. You decry the failure of our entitlement programs and moments later talk about your plans to engorge those failures beyond all imagination. The bigger the government the greater an economic divide exists between “Ordinarians” and “Powerful” politicians. Only a fool could be so ignorant of the historical record to believe large government is a solution, and I don’t believe you are a fool; therefore, you lust for power.

The citizens of this country do not need a Czar. The fundamental change we want is the restoration of our republic. Once the free market is restored, government control returns to the people, and everyone (rich and poor) has less of their money confiscated by the government then we will reemerge as the greatest nation.


Letters to "Leaders"

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